May 16, 2005

Today's Darwin Award Goes to...


Sadie is a Saint.


The woman must have oodles of patience in dealing with me because I can be IMPOSSIBLE, in that not so good way.

She has been diligently working on this site and every so often I try to add a link or whatever to the template.

A few days ago, I messed around trying to import some archives and managed to delete or otherwise screw up the three columns template. I panicked, sent her an email begging her to please, please, please forgive me.

As you can see, she graciously fixed my blunder.

Yesterday, I asked her how to add to the blogroll because we now have me set up with BlogRolling. She was kind enough to send me the information regarding the username and password she set up my account in. Bless her.

Apparently, that anal gene was on the fritz yesterday.

I know I wrote down the username and password I changed the account to, but am unable to find it. Further, I really think I know what those two things were. What I now think happened is that I spelled the username wrong somehow... Thus, I am unable to get BlogRolling to send me the correct password.

Please say a prayer for Sadie...she's dealing with a moron. A very grateful moron, but a moron nonetheless.

UPDATE: Sadie is a saint! Due to my inability to handle any more usernames and passwords, the decision was made to revert to the Honorary Feistiness and Feisty Reads blogrolls. Many thanks, Sadie!

Posted by Christina at May 16, 2005 01:18 PM

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