March 19, 2005

Meow Meow

It's already been well established that my mother does not have a masterful command of the English language; however, she speaks, reads, and writes English as a second language infinitely better than I do any language other than English.

Notwithstanding, I rarely miss an opportunity to pick on her or set her up.

My mother is delighted when I teach the girls what little I know of Vietnamese. They can count and use simple commands and expressions. She is even more delighted when they ask her how to say things in her native tongue.

This afternoon I was playing with Wee One and I told her that where her grandmother comes from, the word for cat is meow. I then told her that to say two cats in Vietnamese is meow meow.

Pleased with herself, Wee One sashayed over to my mother and told her: "Grandma, I know how to say cat in Vietnamese."

My mother responded with a smile: "Okay, let's hear it."

Wee One said: "Meow."

My mother was so very proud.

Then Wee One added: "I can even say two cats."

Surprised, my mother waited patiently.

Wee One said: "Two cats is meow meow."

"What?!" My mother exclaimed. "Who told you that?!"

I cracked up. Two cats in Vietnamese is hi cong meow.

Posted by Christina at March 19, 2005 10:59 PM

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