June 05, 2005

Hanging out with the Beasties

All manner of creature reside at the House of Feisty.

The other night there was a wild thunderstorm which graced us and this little monster came out for a droplet to drink:


For perspective, the dimensions of that brick are 2 1/2 x 9 inches. The picture is a bit hazy because Mr. Tarantula was up on the soffit and I've heard tell they jump. Suffice it to say, I kept my distance because if he had jumped on me, I would have died.

Below is a picture of the gentle giant of a Golden Retriever Skeet. He's a good boy. He allows both the pesky Cairn Terrier Riley and Voodoo the cat to torment him. Good Boy, Skeet!

As you can see in the far right of this picture, Voodoo is making his approach.
Under attack.jpg

This is the miscreant Riley, a Cairn Terrier.

Riley 1.jpg

Here's Riley again. If you look closely at the edge of the cabinet, Voodoo is about to attack.

Attack 2.jpg

Unfortunately, the beasties were far too fast for me and the camera and I was unable to capture either of the ensuing melees.

After he vanquished both dogs, here's what Voodoo thought of the whole thing.


Posted by Christina at June 5, 2005 07:02 PM


I had the worst trouble spotting Voodoo in his first appearance...it's like one of those "Where's Waldo" pictures.

Keep your tarantulas. I *HATE* spiders.

Posted by: zonker at June 5, 2005 07:14 PM

EEEK!!! Scary tarantula!!! I hope Voodoo took care of THAT little problem!

I love love love love love Golden Retrievers. They are truly God's gift to the universe. xoxoxoxoxoxo to your gentle giant!

And I was just going to comment on the new skin but I got distracted by your darling friends!

I Adore The New Skin! It's actually my all-time favorite painting of Shano's! Lucky you!!! Sadie's a good bad-girl, isn't she? ;-)

Posted by: Beth at June 5, 2005 08:48 PM

What does one do with a spider that big? Squash it????

Also, I must say that's some mighty fine tail there! (*wink!*)

Posted by: Dogsdontpurr at June 5, 2005 09:30 PM

i love terriers! used to dogsit some cairn terriers, still dogsit yorkshires. cute pics.

Posted by: amelie at June 5, 2005 09:45 PM

Um. I guess I never thought about Texas having tarantulas. The older I get the less fearful of everything I become. Except spiders. Especially BIG spiders.
Even the photo gave me the heebie jeebies.

The rest of the critters are adorable, though!

Posted by: Pammy at June 5, 2005 10:00 PM

With a spider that big in Texas...there's only one thing to do: Shoot it!

At least with a BB gun.

; )

Posted by: Christina at June 5, 2005 10:21 PM

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeek! I hate spiders!! I love your pets, especially your cat. LOL. My MIL just got a Cairn Terrier last week. She's adorable.

Posted by: Kate at June 5, 2005 11:12 PM

I should have guessed you'd be gettin' out the guns for a spider like that!!

Posted by: Dogsdontpurr at June 5, 2005 11:32 PM

Love the pics of the beasties! *all except the spider, that one you can keep!*

Posted by: Michele at June 6, 2005 03:44 AM

You know i'm more of a dog person myself but I think I'd get on fabulously with your evil cat!

Remind me never to visit texas if the crawlies are that big!

Posted by: silk at June 6, 2005 08:35 AM

...a spider so big you have to shoot it with a gun?.. that rocks... is there a season?.. a bag limit?... what kind of camo?...

Posted by: Eric at June 6, 2005 09:29 AM

I much prefer spiders, even tarantulas, to the huge roaches that infest the Deep South. Some are so big you could put a saddle on them and go for a ride. Look at the good side... you can catch and sell tarantulas. Last I heard no one was in the market for roaches. Nothing gives me the shudders like a cockroach.

The day we moved to Louisiana I saw my first roach in my parent's bedroom closet as we were unpacking. It was the biggest bug I had ever seen, so I backed out slowly, ran to my bedroom, retrieved my air rifle, and shot that sucker. After the BB impact, it STILL hung on the wall until I nudged it off with the barrel.

(I don't know if my parents ever noticed the hole in the sheetrock.)

- jgc

Posted by: jgc at June 6, 2005 02:23 PM

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