August 01, 2005

From Chaos to Quiet

For the last week or so my house has been inhabited by my mother and her merry maids ("Maids" being those gaily singing and dancing souls, not the ones who actually clean). The latter representing the entities my children morph into when she is around.

Very early this morning as they were preparing to hit the road back to mother's place, I ran out and picked up carne guisadas for the masses. Carne guisadas are smoothered spicy beef chucks and peppers in corn or flour tortillas.

When it comes to breakfast, Wee One is a plain and simple girl. She prefers dry bits of bacon in her soft flour tortilla.

After I returned with the tacos, she opened hers and eyed it suspiciously. The very thick, dark twisted slabs of meat did not much look like bacon to her.

I bade her: "Try it."

She gingerly picked a minute piece and eased it into her mouth. Then a smile slowly spread across her cherubic face. Without another word she began to devour the whole thing.

Only after every morsel was gone and her milk glass was empty did she speak: "Mommy, now THAT was bacon!"

Now they are all gone and the house is empty and quiet.

It's going to be a very long week.

Posted by Christina at August 1, 2005 03:25 PM

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Awwww. Hugs;-)

Posted by: sadie at August 1, 2005 03:51 PM

ohhh... poor mom! i'm still here, for whatever that's worth! **hugs**

Posted by: amelie at August 1, 2005 04:18 PM

Argh - I feel your pain. Spiderman is staying with my Sainted Mother during the week until school starts (August 15) due to my new job, and has been only coming home on the weekends. Mom volunteered for this duty so that Spiderman could avoid day-care and so that WE could avoid the added expense...

...and it's nice, it really is, to be able to come home, put my feet up, and mix myself a quiet cocktail. But I miss him something wicked.

If you get to feelin' too pitiful, give me a call. We can commiserate!

Posted by: Kelley at August 1, 2005 04:56 PM

Oh, {hugs} to you. I'm here to yell at if it'll help :)

Posted by: Oddybobo at August 1, 2005 05:04 PM

They annoy you like crazy, but when they're not around don't you miss them...know how you feel.

Posted by: Ruth at August 1, 2005 05:42 PM

Can't wait to get rid of them, can't wait till they get back! That's kids.

Posted by: Walrilla at August 1, 2005 06:10 PM

Lemme know if'n I can help pass the time.
Especially if it involves throwing things at sadie.....

Posted by: phin at August 1, 2005 08:38 PM

My week alone comes to an end tonight. Enjoy the peace. We all need refreshment upon occasion. When it's time, you'll welcome them back with joy!

Posted by: Ranten N. Raven at August 1, 2005 09:04 PM

You stuff them full of "spicy beef chucks and peppers" and then pack them into a car with your mom? That's just mean.

Posted by: zonker at August 1, 2005 10:27 PM

You are sooooo lucky to get an entire week of peace and quiet!! Enjoy it, lady!

Posted by: Michele at August 2, 2005 03:42 AM

Wee One is a riot!! I hope you enjoy some peace and quiet!

Posted by: Jenn at August 4, 2005 04:02 PM

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